Hey there! My name is Veronika Gryshchuk. I am deeply engaged in exploring the unknown and embracing life's complexities. I prioritize functionality and playfulness over perfection, viewing design as a potent medium for communication.
In my academic and professional journey, I've learned to value the intersections of different disciplines and cultures.

Finishing a bachelor's degree in graphic design, I'm continuously driven by a humble yet persistent pursuit of understanding our diverse world. I believe in the inherent beauty of its complexities and imperfections, and I am committed to telling compelling stories through my work, constantly rethinking and relearning.



Hey! I am Veronika Gryshchuk.
I am a junior graphic designer. I attend the design university ELISAVA. My goal isn't just to make something beautiful but to give it function and, therefore: meaning. As a visual communicator, I strive to learn as much as possible about the profession and its creative processes.
Whether we like it or not, we judge a book by its cover. It's a designer's responsibility to make the book represent its' contents in an engaging and coherent way.
I believe that graphic designers have the power to influence the world. If we navigate this profession in the right way, through circumventing the pre-imposed systems of society, we have the potential to provoke change.



Queer communities have been able to prosper online but they're difficult to encounter in real-life. So we thought to ourselves, can we bring these digital communities to a physical space? The editorial project aims to give visibility to the diverse experiences of queer individuals based in Barcelona, Spain, through series of featured articles, personal essays and creative expressions. 

w/: Silvia Masclans - Alba Cabiscol - Flavia Somarriba - Sara Miravante - Veronika Gryshchuk - Alexandra Spassov - Jaume Alonso-Cuevillas - Alejandro Spiro Lasala

Magazine on queer community