Hey there! My name is Veronika Gryshchuk. I am deeply engaged in exploring the unknown and embracing life's complexities. I prioritize functionality and playfulness over perfection, viewing design as a potent medium for communication.
In my academic and professional journey, I've learned to value the intersections of different disciplines and cultures.

Finishing a bachelor's degree in graphic design, I'm continuously driven by a humble yet persistent pursuit of understanding our diverse world. I believe in the inherent beauty of its complexities and imperfections, and I am committed to telling compelling stories through my work, constantly rethinking and relearning.



Hey! I am Veronika Gryshchuk.
I am a junior graphic designer. I attend the design university ELISAVA. My goal isn't just to make something beautiful but to give it function and, therefore: meaning. As a visual communicator, I strive to learn as much as possible about the profession and its creative processes.
Whether we like it or not, we judge a book by its cover. It's a designer's responsibility to make the book represent its' contents in an engaging and coherent way.
I believe that graphic designers have the power to influence the world. If we navigate this profession in the right way, through circumventing the pre-imposed systems of society, we have the potential to provoke change.


Pigeon Me      

When thinking of something that could be the main subject of my identity collection, pigeons came into my head. The pigeon (dove) symbolizes peace, devotion, purity, and love in various cultures, including Ukraine.
I started to like pigeons when I moved to Barcelona three years ago. They are found in every corner of the city and all over the world. I see them as extremely funny, clumsy, and curious creatures.

The technique is always spraypaint and stamps done by a laser machine. I used sprays of two colors - blue and yellow while all the stamps are orange and green. Spray painting is a painting technique in which a device sprays paint through the air on a surface.
I find the method unpredictable and sometimes messy, which connects perfectly with animal pigeons. 

Identity Collection Project